Hello World
Content Overview

I’ve been wanting to scratch a writing itch for quite a while. Over the last twelve months I’ve had the good fortune of having visited nine countries. And every one of those trips involving some amazing stories with great people. In April, I broke my collarbone while mountain biking in Peru (I’ll do a writeup on that at another time), which provided no small amount of downtime to think about what to do with my time when I’m not out being active.
That downtime lead me to identify at least three topics that I’d like to cover
- My Travels (as I’ve already mentioned)
- Adventure skill building (e.g. mountain biking, improving my fitness for long-distance road cycling, something new?)
- Technology and ideas that I’m hacking on
I think that last one will come as no surprise to anyone, as I’m a consummate nerd. I’ve been inteviewing people (sorry friends and friends of friends who I’ve been annoying) to learn about some problems that I’d like to solve with technology. I anticipate that this will lead to my scratching another itch I’ve had in recent years. I’m very happy working at Greenhouse Software; the people are fantastic, the work is generally fun and sometimes challenging, and the company culture is world-class. But, sometimes I still want to hack on my own things. Which is why I formed Zenity Labs.
I hope this is the beginning of a well-maintained blog that’s both fun and engaging.